Tuning Fork Osteo Ohm (34 hz) (for inflammation and bone density)

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Package includes Osteo Ohm Tuning Fork. Packaging card opens to 2 panels of photos and detailed instructions for use.

Research indicates that low sound frequency is helpful in relieving pain and inflammation and can increase bone density. Results show that the application of frequencies between 25-50 hz promotes the healing of bone, muscles, tendons and ligaments.Use Osteo Ohm Tuning Fork on the vertebrae of the spine and on the joints of the body to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and to help increase bone density.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Activating the Osteo Ohm with a Mallet Activator provides a strong and clear sustain.

Made in the USA from space grade aluminum, Ohm Therapeutics Tuning Forks are fully guaranteed to stay in tune.