Zucchini Tricolor: Salman, Golden Delight and Raven by Renee's Seeds
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Tricolor Zucchini: Jade, Gold & Emerald
Seeds are color coded with USDA food grade stain to distinguish varieties. Be sure to plant some of each for show stopping harvests.
Pink seed = Salman F-1
Undyed seed = Golden Delight F-1
Green seed = Raven F-1
Zucchinis need full sun, rich fertile soil and warm temperatures. Plant only when spring weather is warm and night temperatures stay above 50°F (10°C). Sow 2 to 3 seeds, 1 inch deep, every 2 feet, in rows 3 feet apart. Thin to leave only 1 seedling every 2 feet. Or, plant in slightly mounded hills, 2 feet in diameter, sowing 5 or 6 seeds in each hill. Thin hill-planted seedlings to 2 or 3 strongest plants.
Amend soil well before sowing with lots of aged manure or compost. Protect young seedlings from marauding birds by covering with plastic berry baskets at planting time, removing when plants get crowded. Be sure to thin properly — you will have more productive, disease-free plants if seedlings have enough room to mature.