Viola: Johnny Jump Up by Renee's Garden

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Heirloom Edible Flowers: Grandma’s Johnny Jump Ups

(Viola tricolor)

Also known as Heart’s Ease, these dainty little flowers look like jaunty miniature pansies with pretty flower faces of deep violet, mauve, yellow and white. Johnny Jump Ups are both weather tolerant and long blooming and are good container and edging plants and are lovely planted in spring bulb beds. Johnny Jump Ups blossoms are edible with a mild wintergreen flavor and make tasty garnishes and decorations. These sweet flowers self sow readily and will enhance every garden.
Seed Count: 1350 / Weight: 750 mg


Spring bloom
Can handle frost



In Mild Winter Climates, sow seeds in fall and they will form deep roots over winter for a long spring bloom.

In Cold Winter Areas, sow in spring as soon as soil can be worked.

Violas can handle light frosts and bloom best when they get a good start in cool spring weather. Sow seeds 1 inch apart in well-drained soil in full sun. Cover 1/4 inch deep, firm soil and keep seed bed moist. Be patient; germination takes 14 to 21 days. When large enough to handle, thin or transplant seedlings to 4 to 5 inches apart.

To Start Early Indoors: Sow seeds 1 inch apart in seed starting mix, 8 to 10 weeks before last frost. Cover 1/4 inch deep, keep moist & provide a good light source until ready to plant outside when weather warms up. Transplant 4 to 5 inches apart when large enough to handle.



These carefree plants are covered with cheerful flowers throughout spring & early summer. After initial flowering, cut plants back to several inches tall for another flush of bloom if the weather is not too hot. In milder climates, Johnny Jump Ups will self sow readily & come back each season. The dainty edible blossoms taste of wintergreen. They make great garnishes & are also perfect for candying.