Early Butternut and Delicata Squash, Compact Winter by Renee's Seeds

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Compact Winter Squash: Early Butternut & Delicata

EXCLUSIVE – This duo of All-America winners are the best space-saving varieties of nutty, sweet-tasting, vitamin-rich winter squash. The compact vines of productive Early Butternut Bush produce fruits with tan rinds that have moist, smooth, creamy-orange flesh. Compact Bush Delicata has oblong fruits with handsome striped rinds and rich golden flesh with a delicious sweet potato-like texture.


Seeds are color coded with USDA food grade stain to distinguish varieties.

Green Seed = Delicata squash

Undyed Seed = Early Butternut F-1

Seed Count: 20-25 / Weight: 2 gms


Squash needs full sun, rich, fertile soil and warm temperatures. Plant only when weather is warm and settled and night temperatures stay above 50°F (10°C) both day and night. Make slightly mounded growing hills 2 to 3 feet apart. Plant varieties separately, 1 inch deep, 8 inches apart, 4 seeds per hill. Thin seedlings to leave the 2 strongest plants per hill so vines will have room to grow and mature.


Protect young seedlings from marauding birds by covering with plastic berry baskets at sowing time, removing before plants get crowded.


Winter squash needs the full growing season to mature properly so it will keep for winter eating. When rinds are tough enough to resist a fingernail, cut fruits from vines with a good stem. Let them cure for 1 week in the sun, then store in a cool dry place. Enjoy Delicata first as they don’ t store as long as Early Butternut, which stay in excellent eating condition for several months. Simply cut in half and bake or skin and sauté the sweet flesh to serve with a little butter and a sprinkling of salt or add a pinch of sage or thyme for an herbal accent.